There is tremendous power in God’s spoken word. God never speculates. He never guesses. He knows all things. We hope that this truth gives you more confidence to take God at His word and grow in obediences to His word.

There is tremendous power in God’s spoken word. God never speculates. He never guesses. He knows all things. We hope that this truth gives you more confidence to take God at His word and grow in obediences to His word.
With the new Church Center Sermons feature, you are able to attend Church At Home services and interact with other church attenders as well as your Life Group members live via the chat functionality. You can also fill in a prayer request or praise report form all while being part of the service. Download the app or go to Church Center web now to try it out.
This week we take a look at what Jesus said about fasting from His teaching on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:16-18.
When things get darkest, the light shines brightest. Jesus said His followers are the light of the world. This means when things get dark in the world, it is not time for the Church to be afraid or confused together with the whole world, but it is time for the Church to shine bright so that people will see that and glorify our Father in heaven. Now is the time for the Church to rise up and make a difference in the world.
It was one of the worst weekends for some in Jerusalem while others thought they had triumphed. Travellers had come from near and far to celebrate the Jewish feast of Passover. A first century Jewish carpenter-turned-rabbi had been crucified on a Roman cross as a blasphemer. The city’s streets were littered with broken dreams and shattered hopes of some that thought and hoped this rabbi would be the long-awaited Messiah. In the midst of all the disappointments and confusion, three words changed everything! The same three words have the potential to change everything for us in our own crisis (or is it crises?).
At the height of Jesus’ popularity, he turned to His followers to say one of the most difficult-to-accept statements in just about the entire Bible. What does He mean, “and does not hate his own father and mother…”? Is Jesus interested in becoming a cult leader? Understanding what Jesus meant here is at the heart of what it means to be a true follower of Jesus.